Office Party delivers $IOU

$IOU, short for I Owe You, is an engaging meme token presented by Office Party, exclusively designed for the Aleph Zero ecosystem. In line with the ethos of Office Party, $IOU boasts a commitment to 100% community engagement, humorously coupled with a promise of 100% zero utility.

Contract Address:

$IOU is love
$IOU is love
$IOU is life
$IOU is life
It's worthless
It's worthless
Until it's not
Until it's not
It's just a meme bro
It's just a meme bro
no utility
no utility
100% Community
100% Community
no value, except what you give it
no value, except what you give it
Mouse move image 0Mouse move image 1Mouse move image 2Mouse move image 3Mouse move image 4Mouse move image 5Mouse move image 6Mouse move image 7Mouse move image 8Mouse move image 9Mouse move image 10Mouse move image 11Mouse move image 12Mouse move image 13Mouse move image 14Mouse move image 15Mouse move image 16Mouse move image 17Mouse move image 18Mouse move image 19Mouse move image 20Mouse move image 21Mouse move image 22Mouse move image 23Mouse move image 24Mouse move image 25Mouse move image 26Mouse move image 27Mouse move image 28Mouse move image 29Mouse move image 30Mouse move image 31Mouse move image 32Mouse move image 33Mouse move image 34Mouse move image 35Mouse move image 36Mouse move image 37Mouse move image 38Mouse move image 39Mouse move image 40Mouse move image 41Mouse move image 42Mouse move image 43Mouse move image 44Mouse move image 45Mouse move image 46Mouse move image 47Mouse move image 48Mouse move image 49Mouse move image 50

CA: 5GCu...Q5f7

Liquidity Image
Party Hat

I Owe You is...






Presale 2






Frequently Asked Questions

Hey there! Welcome to the world of $IOU, the meme token that promises you the moon and stars... Just kidding! I'm Bug Bite, also known around these parts as Janitor, and I'm here to tell you all about the token that promises... absolutely nothing! Yep, you read that right.

Before diving into the $IOU saga, let me take you back to where it all began. I'm the brains behind Office Party NFTs, an AI-generated bonanza of 404 party apes that became the talk of the town in Aleph Zero. That's right, we sold out faster than you can say "ape into this," making waves in the Aleph Zero ecosystem – a place we call home.

Now, let's talk $IOU. Born from the spirit of pure, unadulterated meme magic, $IOU is here to not take itself too seriously. In a world where every token claims to be the next big thing, we're here to say, "Hey, we're not your next investment; we're your next community." With $IOU, what we guarantee is 100% NO utility. That's our promise to you. No dreams of lambos or moon landings here – just good ol' meme fun.

Why join us? Well, if you love being part of something that's all about community vibes, inside jokes, and the thrill of owning something that's as useless as it is hilarious, then $IOU is for you. It's not about making bank; it's about making memories and maybe, just maybe, being part of internet history.

So, if you're into degenerate meme tokens and looking for a place where everyone gets the joke, welcome aboard! $IOU isn't just a token; it's a ticket to the party. And in this party, everyone's invited.

Remember, I'm not promising you riches; I'm promising you a spot in our ragtag crew of meme lovers. Let's make $IOU a symbol of our unity in the face of the absurdly serious world of crypto.

Catch you on the flip side,
Bug Bite (Janitor)

There were two presale's for $IOU. Both sold out in minutes after going live!

Presale one had a price of 0.0001 $AZERO which is the same as the launching price once it gets listed on Common. Presale two had a price of 0.00012 $AZERO per $IOU.

You read that correctly! A 20% premium over launching price, that's how you know we have a dedicated community!

You can buy $IOU in Common, the main DEX of Aleph Zero. We were the first tradable token on the platform! Make sure to copy our contract and paste it in the DEX!

The Office Party NFT project operates with a unique approach to its roadmap, recognizing that the journey is just as important as the destination. Rather than having a set roadmap with predetermined milestones, Office Party views the development of the project as a shared roadtrip that the community embarks on together.

This means that the direction and priorities of the project are shaped by the collective interests and contributions of its members. The community has the power to steer the project in new and exciting directions, and the team behind Office Party is committed to adapting and evolving the project in response to the needs and desires of its community.

Office Party was the first collection to be sold out on the Aleph Zero network.

You can buy an Office party NFT on ArtZero - the main marketplace of Aleph Zero!

We stick true to our promise of 100% no utility - 100% community, that does not mean that there will never be any treats for holders in the future...

Follow us!
